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  How fast is a fast computer..
Posted by: v3_exceed - 06-12-2018, 10:37 AM - Forum: Conspiracy Forums - No Replies

A "FLOP" is a floating point operation. This can be compared to "1+1=2".
Most microprocessors today can carry out 4 FLOPs per clock cycle; thus a single-core 2.5 GHz processor has a theoretical performance of 10 billion FLOPS = 10 GFLOPS. (gigaflops)
On May 25, 2008, an American supercomputer built by IBM, named 'Roadrunner', reached the computing milestone of one petaflops by processing more than 1.026 quadrillion calculations per second
In June 2008, AMD released ATI Radeon HD4800 series, which are reported to be the first GPUs to achieve one teraFLOPS scale. On August 12, 2008, AMD released the ATI Radeon HD 4870X2 graphics card with two Radeon R770 GPUs totaling 2.4 teraFLOPS. (this is a video card)
On June 10, 2013, China's Tianhe-2 was ranked the world's fastest with a record of 33.86 petaFLOPS.
A scale for reference...
kiloFLOPS kFLOPS 10^3
teraFLOPS TFLOPS 10^12
petaFLOPS PFLOPS 10^15
1.64 “petaflops,” is a quadrillion mathematical calculations per second
33.86/1.64 = 20.64 quadrillion mathematical calculations per second
Think about that number for a minute... with power like that, more than the entirety of the brain power of the entire human race... per second.

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  Boyd Bushman
Posted by: v3_exceed - 06-12-2018, 10:36 AM - Forum: Conspiracy Forums - No Replies

Published on Oct 8, 2014

Shortly before Boyd Bushman passed away on August 7, 2014, he was video recorded candidly speaking about his personal experiences with Area 51, UFOs, aliens and anti-gravity ideas. Boyd was a retired Senior Scientist for Lockheed Martin. His career spanned over forty years, was awarded many patents, and included work with defense contractors Hughes Aircraft, General Dynamics, Texas Instruments, and Lockheed Martin.

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  A letter by George Orwell
Posted by: v3_exceed - 06-12-2018, 10:35 AM - Forum: Conspiracy Forums - No Replies

In 1944, three years before writing and five years before publishing 1984, George Orwell penned a letter detailing the thesis of his great novel. The letter, warning of the rise of totalitarian police states that will ‘say that two and two are five,’ is reprinted from George Orwell: A Life in Letters, edited by Peter Davison and published today by Liveright. Plus, Orwell's advice to Arthur Koestler on how to review books.

To Noel Willmett

18 May 1944
10a Mortimer Crescent NW 6

Dear Mr Willmett,

Many thanks for your letter. You ask whether totalitarianism, leader-worship etc. are really on the up-grade and instance the fact that they are not apparently growing in this country and the USA.

I must say I believe, or fear, that taking the world as a whole these things are on the increase. Hitler, no doubt, will soon disappear, but only at the expense of strengthening (a) Stalin, (b) the Anglo-American millionaires and © all sorts of petty fuhrers° of the type of de Gaulle. All the national movements everywhere, even those that originate in resistance to German domination, seem to take non-democratic forms, to group themselves round some superhuman fuhrer (Hitler, Stalin, Salazar, Franco, Gandhi, De Valera are all varying examples) and to adopt the theory that the end justifies the means. Everywhere the world movement seems to be in the direction of centralised economies which can be made to ‘work’ in an economic sense but which are not democratically organised and which tend to establish a caste system. With this go the horrors of emotional nationalism and a tendency to disbelieve in the existence of objective truth because all the facts have to fit in with the words and prophecies of some infallible fuhrer. Already history has in a sense ceased to exist, ie. there is no such thing as a history of our own times which could be universally accepted, and the exact sciences are endangered as soon as military necessity ceases to keep people up to the mark. Hitler can say that the Jews started the war, and if he survives that will become official history. He can’t say that two and two are five, because for the purposes of, say, ballistics they have to make four. But if the sort of world that I am afraid of arrives, a world of two or three great superstates which are unable to conquer one another, two and two could become five if the fuhrer wished it.1 That, so far as I can see, is the direction in which we are actually moving, though, of course, the process is reversible.

Two and two could become five if the fuhrer wished it.

As to the comparative immunity of Britain and the USA. Whatever the pacifists etc. may say, we have not gone totalitarian yet and this is a very hopeful symptom. I believe very deeply, as I explained in my book The Lion and the Unicorn, in the English people and in their capacity to centralise their economy without destroying freedom in doing so. But one must remember that Britain and the USA haven’t been really tried, they haven’t known defeat or severe suffering, and there are some bad symptoms to balance the good ones. To begin with there is the general indifference to the decay of democracy. Do you realise, for instance, that no one in England under 26 now has a vote and that so far as one can see the great mass of people of that age don’t give a damn for this? Secondly there is the fact that the intellectuals are more totalitarian in outlook than the common people. On the whole the English intelligentsia have opposed Hitler, but only at the price of accepting Stalin. Most of them are perfectly ready for dictatorial methods, secret police, systematic falsification of history2 etc. so long as they feel that it is on ‘our’ side. Indeed the statement that we haven’t a Fascist movement in England largely means that the young, at this moment, look for their fuhrer elsewhere. One can’t be sure that that won’t change, nor can one be sure that the common people won’t think ten years hence as the intellectuals do now. I hope 3 they won’t, I even trust they won’t, but if so it will be at the cost of a struggle. If one simply proclaims that all is for the best and doesn’t point to the sinister symptoms, one is merely helping to bring totalitarianism nearer.

You also ask, if I think the world tendency is towards Fascism, why do I support the war. It is a choice of evils—I fancy nearly every war is that. I know enough of British imperialism not to like it, but I would support it against Nazism or Japanese imperialism, as the lesser evil. Similarly I would support the USSR against Germany because I think the USSR cannot altogether escape its past and retains enough of the original ideas of the Revolution to make it a more hopeful phenomenon than Nazi Germany. I think, and have thought ever since the war began, in 1936 or thereabouts, that our cause is the better, but we have to keep on making it the better, which involves constant criticism.

Yours sincerely,
Geo. Orwell

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  Science Confirms Survival
Posted by: v3_exceed - 06-12-2018, 10:33 AM - Forum: Conspiracy Forums - No Replies

A group of British scientists, including two astrophysicists, a thermodynamicist, and other professional researchers, are conducting experiments and solving complex equations that they believe furnish conclusive and irrefutable proof of human survival of bodily death.


by J.J. Snyder
A group of British scientists, including two astrophysicists, a thermodynamicist, and other professional researchers, are conducting experiments and solving complex equations that they believe furnish conclusive and irrefutable proof of human survival of bodily death.
Michael Roll, a rationalist and freethinker who heads The Campaign for Philosophical Freedom, is unofficial spokesman for the group. He has recently revealed information that could drastically alter humankind's entire belief system regarding continuation of consciousness beyond the grave. Roll, of Bristol, England, a former businessman, is a long-time explorer of paranormal phenomena. He and his colleagues' series of discoveries, involving mathematical equations and physical experiments, when taken together, furnish empirical evidence that makes an extremely strong case for continuing after-death survival of the human psyche.
The group has come to regard that continuation as the functioning of a natural, universal law, the study of which is strictly a branch of chemistry, physics, and mathematics, rather than an article of religious faith.
This scientific approach to a subject which heretofore has been discussed mainly as a function of theology is stirring lively debate, not only in Britain, but worldwide. The assertion that immortality is conferred on humankind through natural law alone, rather than by an all-powerful, monotheistic God, is awakening interest and triggering penetrating questions from the general public, including churchgoers, as they become more fully informed about prospects for continuing existence beyond the transition known as "death."
The researchers' premise is that certain recent mathematical discoveries, combined with results of in-depth exploration of physics and quantum mechanics, now furnish verification for many previous well-documented scientific experiments dealing with what has been previously known as "psychic phenomena." These experiments were, and are being, conducted by various researchers from the late nineteenth century down to the present day, and all have a common thread. Each features repeated appearances by, and communication with, entities from the next level of existence who have experienced the event known as death, and yet maintain consciousness, remain articulate, and sometimes become visible on this physical level. At times these visitors from etheric realms can be touched, felt, and even held tightly by incarnate humans. Fully authenticated and documented visits to living family members, friends, and researchers have long proven the reality of these manifestations, but their cause and origin has remained inexplicable in the context of heretofore known laws of physics. However, many of the questions relating to these phenomena have been answered by the British researchers, and ongoing exploration continues.
Discarnate entities sometimes appear through materialization mediums - those specially endowed individuals who are able to furnish a psychic link between the two planes. At other times, usually when influenced by extremely strong emotions on either, or both, the etheric or physical level, materializations occur spontaneously. Other mediums, while not always able to effect materializations, are still able to relay communications between the two levels of existence.
Much of the evidence provided by certain mediums has been subjected to close, even hostile, scientific scrutiny, and found to be true and valid. Recently, there have been many reports of discarnate communication occurring by electronic means - telephone calls, tape recordings, fax messages, and even long discourses on computer screens. Etheric entities identify themselves, answer questions put to them by experimenters, and furnish information on conditions in the dimensions where they now exist. Extensive research into electronic communication with afterworld beings is being conducted on both sides of the Atlantic. In the USA, the American Association of Electronic Voice Phenomena and the Continuing Life Research organizations are in the forefront of these investigations.
Simply put, the British investigative group's contention is that these appearances of and contacts with "deceased" persons are manifestations of natural physical laws, the validity of which has been proven by recent and startling discoveries in mathematics and quantum physics. These are fields of study directly related to the structure and behavior of electrons, protons, neutrons, and other sub-atomic particles. Roll asserts that these new discoveries now fully vindicate the findings of early investigators of psychic phenomena such as Sir William Crookes, Sir Oliver Lodge, John Logie Baird, Arthur Findlay, Dr. Glen Hamilton, and many other prestigious scientific truth-seekers. After years of research, each of these experimenters declared unequivocally that life continues, endures, and advances on the next levels of existence.
Baird, a television pioneer, and inventor of the infrared camera, contacted the "deceased" Thomas A. Edison through a medium, and a discussion of the infrared camera followed. Later, Baird made the following statement: "I have witnessed some very startling phenomena under circumstances which make trickery out of the question...I am convinced that discoveries of far-reaching importance remain waiting along these shadowy and discredited paths."
Fittingly, efforts in Britain are now underway to embark on a project to employ an infrared camera that will scientifically measure and record phenomena produced during experiments, including the videotaping of recently deceased persons. Many early investigators were given a very rough time by fellow scientists and the media. This holds especially true for Crookes. In 1874, he published the results of his four years of experiments dealing with a wide variety of unexplained phenomena. The report described many well-documented appearances, in the presence of Florence Cook, a materialization medium, of a spirit entity by the name of Katie King. Immediately upon publication of these findings, he became the target of infuriated detractors. After Crookes' death in 1919, his enemies even went so far as to accuse him of being sexually obsessed with Cook, and collaborating with her in faking evidence of psychic phenomena. These cowardly attacks were directed at one of the most distinguished scientists of the nineteenth century, a Fellow of the Royal Society, later it's President, and the discoverer of the chemical element Thallium.
Although Crookes had become convinced of the reality of etheric communications long before beginning work with the medium (he began his research by investigating the numerous psychic phenomena associated with D. D. Hume), these unfounded and unproven allegations, many of them outright lies, have persisted into our own time. They have muddied the waters of paranormal investigation, and discouraged other scientists from following in Crookes' footsteps.
This is in spite of the reams of documentation of the many paranormal occurrences, including numerous appearances of the aforementioned discarnate entity, which occurred throughout Crookes' investigation. Conclusive photographs are part of the record, and the authenticity of the phenomena has been verified by a number of independent witnesses. Some of these witnesses were themselves brilliant and esteemed scientists of the era, one of note being Cromwell F. Varley, an early researcher into ionization phenomena, and supervisor of the initial laying of the Atlantic Cable.
Another investigator, Dr. Glen Hamilton, MD, of Winnipeg, Canada, a member of the Canadian Parliament and long-time psychic researcher, carried out later experiments which closely paralleled Crookes', and achieved comparable results. His research sessions were also marked by manifestations of, and communication with discarnate entities. All of these occurred under closely-controlled, replicable, conditions, including a battery of fifteen flash cameras which photographed the apparitions from all angles simultaneously. Scientific observers who were present at these experiments included four other doctors, two lawyers, and two engineers. All of these witnesses stated unequivocally that "time after time, we saw dead persons materialize." In well over a century, there has never been an explanation put forth for these hundreds of scientifically validated manifestations and communications being anything other than what the experimenters claimed them to be, that is, paranormal, or "psychic" phenomena.
Roll balks at the term "psychic," however, preferring instead to talk of "sub-atomic" phenomena. This he perceives as beginning with the separation of the human mind from its bodily shell, a natural and universal function that takes place at the end of physical life.
The mind, retaining all of the memories, emotions, and intellect that it possessed on the material plane, then moves on to its next level of existence. This event occurs without regard for an individual's religious belief and/or good behavior, or lack of the same, during his or her physical existence.
The term "sub-atomic" refers to the many particles that compose the atom. There are over two hundred of these so far discovered, in addition to the generally well known electrons, protons, and neutrons. An electron is part of a family known as leptons. Its companion protons and neutrons are constructed of a similar sub-atomic group known as quarks. It has been postulated by a number of physicists that another sub-atomic particle, the neutrino, may account for ninety percent of the previously "missing" matter in the universe.
All of these particles possess properties and exhibit behavior which remains inexplicable in the context of conventional physics, and there are strong indications that they may furnish an explanation for the numerous phenomena which are characteristic of the so-called "etheric body." According to the group's premise, both the human body and its etheric personality, the essence of human consciousness that endures after the physical ceases to operate, are composed of various sub-atomic particles. When the etheric portion detaches from the physical, in the event known as "death," it remains energized by these same particles, which, in their new state, are now able to impart to it powers and abilities unknown, and even unimaginable, in our material world. Under certain conditions, discarnate entities manifesting on the material plane can appear and disappear at will, speak, respond, and even be grasped and held by those present at controlled experiments.
In Roll's view, there is nothing "supernatural" or "paranormal" about these appearances, which he sees as merely proving the ongoing existence of human consciousness and personality beyond the end of physical life. He blames certain religious denominations and national political leaders, pandering to their own interests by keeping the masses in ignorance, for this information on sub-atomic phenomena as it impacts upon survival not being more widely circulated and available to the general public. To aid Roll's efforts in disseminating this evidence, an impressive array of scientists, physicists, and university professors have lent him support and made public their own research findings, all of which bear out the validity of his assertions.
The late Professor Abdus Salam was a Nobel Laureate and Director of the International Centre for Theoretical Physics, who was awarded an honorary knighthood. After reviewing the results of investigations by the savants, he gave Roll numerous monetary contributions from his own pocket, as well as a sizable grant from the Foundation, to help him spread the word of these exciting discoveries that verify the truth of ongoing life beyond the physical level.
R. D. Pearson, BSc, another of Roll's scientific collabarators, is a former university lecturer and engineer whose specialty is thermodynamics and fluid mechanics. He has written a book, "Intelligence Behind The Universe," along with a companion booklet, "Colossus," and an accompanying appendix of mathematical proof. These purport to explain the cosmic force that drives the phenomenom of continuing life, and mathematically back up the experiments of Crookes and Hamilton. Put quite simply, Pearson sees post-mortem survival of the human psyche as one of many functions of a multi-dimensional, multi-universal, sub-atomic grid matrix, on which all forms of life exist, and which sustains the etheric, as well as the physical consciousness of all living organisms. In this model, physical materializations of so-called "dead" persons, and even deceased animals, are but the temporary merging of two different frequencies, or wave-lengths, from two discrete levels of the grid, somewhat similar to when more than one radio broadcast is picked up on the same dial setting.
Pearson furnishes full mathematical proof for his postulations, which may one day be looked upon as the key that finally unlocked the door to universal awareness of the reality of discarnate existence. One of the roadblocks to scientific acceptance of this "grid theory" (which is considerably more complex than the above simplified outline) has been the existence of Einstein's Theory of Relativity, parts of which seemed to negate Pearson's hypothesis. However, Doctor Louis Essen, a Fellow of the Royal Society, and inventor of the atomic clock, informed Pearson that he has found significant errors in Einstein's calculations.
This recent discovery by Doctor Essen is in accord with a statement made by Einstein himself on his seventieth birthday: "There is not a single concept of which I am convinced that it will stand firm, and I am not sure if I was on the right track after all." Over the past several years, other physicists and cosmologists worldwide have also come to the general agreement that "Einstein's laws contain some flaws." As a result of this consensus, they are examining certain discrepancies that have been found in Einstein's work, and are formulating other premises to account for specific occurrences in quantum physics that cannot be explained by his theories.
Pearson is confident that his "grid theory" corrects some of the discrepant data in Einstein's works, and that it will withstand close examination and criticism by fellow physicists and cosmologists. In his book, he calls for seven experimental checks to be made which he is certain will return positive results and affirm his conclusions. Pearson has made several trips to Russia to present his theories. After extensive investigation and review, they were fully accepted by the physicists and scientists of that country, and Russian physics textbooks are in the process of being revised to reflect his new and exciting discoveries in sub-atomic physics. One of the strongest points in their favor is the fact that they have been shown not to conflict with the proven realities of quantum mechanics, as do many of Einstein's theories.
Sam Nicholls, MSc, an astrophysics graduate of Leeds University, and a fellow researcher into sub-atomic phenomena, concurs with Pearson's findings. He has further postulated that so-called "deceased" entities, although composed of slightly different atomic components, exist in, and share the same space with, incarnate persons. He states:
"Like the physical universe, their world would likewise be composed of sub-atomic particles, but these may be in much closer vibrational harmony with the all-pervading "grid" than their physical counterparts."
In one context of observation, this grid itself could be seen as the Creator-Sustainer of All Things for a number of parallel but separate universes. This premise does not, however, negate the possibility of an even higher, ultimate, Intelligence behind the grid.
Another British astrophysicist and sub-atomic researcher, Michael Scott, BSc, a graduate of Edinburgh University, cites Niels Bohr's "Copenhagen Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics" as seeming to actually require the existence of consciousness as a non-material extension to space-time. Scott makes the point that sub-atomic physics, as explored by him and other researchers worldwide, no longer views the building blocks of the universe as discrete particles of solid substance, but rather as vague, wavelike structures whose existence borders on the ethereal. Scott further states that:
"The advancement of quantum physics has produced a description of reality which allows the existence of parallel universes. Composed of real substance, they would not interact directly with matter from our universe."
Professor Fred Alan Wolfe, although not a member of the British group, seems to concur with their findings in his book "Mind and the New Physics". In it he states that "as fantastic as it may sound, the 'new physics' called quantum mechanics posits that there exists, side by side with this world, another world, a parallel universe, a duplicate copy that is somehow slightly different and yet the same. And not just two parallel worlds, but three, four, and even more...! In each of these universes, you, I, and all the others who live, have lived, will live, and will have ever lived, are alive."
These radical concepts of quantum physics and the ephemeral state of perceived reality as it impacts human existence beyond physical life have spurred attacks on the researchers from many quarters. These include certain members of the clergy, spiritualists, other scientists, and professional "skeptics." Roll, as spokesman for the group, has drawn the wrath of religionists and spiritualists by his denial that belief in a supreme being is a necessary condition for next-world survival. His assertion that religious faith, or lack of it, is irrelevant in the context of continuing afterlife has placed him in direct conflict with the established churches, especially certain Christian denominations, and some of his fiercest foes are to be found in this camp.
It seems particularly ironic that Christian sects are in the forefront of opposition to the sharing of these findings. The reported teachings of Jesus, whose doctrines are the foundation of their beliefs, are all based on the existence of another life beyond the present. Many thinking persons feel that these new discoveries in sub-atomic physics give credence to all those who, since the advent of human consciousness, have taught survival of death, and in addition, eliminate the necessity of belief through faith alone. This point is made by Pearson when he states,
"People need to be made aware that their religious faiths have a base strongly supportable by modern physics. There is no longer any reason to think of science and religion as basically incompatible."
Roll expected strong opposition from the churches, but sees it as paradoxical that certain British spiritualist organizations have also joined in denouncing his views. The very core of spiritualism has always been a belief in the reality of contact with departed entities, and many survivalists of the past, especially the great historian and researcher Arthur Findlay, have made important and lasting contributions to research dealing with these contacts. Roll's charges, which are backed by correspondence of record with several Spiritualist groups, are that their present day members have abandoned the rationalist philosophy of Findlay and other pioneers. They have instead tended to side with organized religion in asserting that belief in a monotheistic "God" is a vital part of the spiritualist creed. To refute the concept that faith in a supreme being is necessary for afterlife salvation from eternal punishment, Roll states unequivocally that life continues on in the next dimension without divine intervention or retribution, regardless of one's religious beliefs or lack thereof. In addition to the findings of his colleagues, he bases this statement on personal communications with discarnate entities with whom he has spoken, and even held and embraced, including a "deceased" member of his immediate family.
From information received through these contacts, he describes the afterworld as having many of the same conditions that are found on this physical plane. One significant difference seems to be that the environment experienced by each person is wholly dependent upon that individual's behavior while incarnate. Punishment for wrongdoing, if any, is meted out to oneself by oneself, after undergoing a review of the past physical life. There are infinite and varying levels of existence, and advancement to higher planes is within the reach of every inhabitant of those realms. Roll outlines his philosophy in a quote from his booklet "The Physicists' and Rationalists' Case for Survival After the Death of Our Physical Bodies:"
"Dying is as natural as being born; we all pass into the next world whether we like it or not. There is no special place reserved for Christians or members of any other sect. There are no social strata or racial barriers. We all graduate to the level we have earned by the development of our characters."
Conspicuously missing from this scenario is that favorite authority figure of religious fundamentalists, the "Big Daddy God," a stern judge who summarily sentences some souls to eternal fire as punishment for alleged "sins", while raising others to eternal glory as a reward for belief in "Him." Mention of this deity is found nowhere in the numerous accounts by discarnate entities of life in their world. The Creator of the Universe, whoever or whatever he/she or it may be, seems to be a much more loving and compassionate being than literal interpreters of the Bible can conceive of. Opposition from certain establishment scientists to this view of after-death survival as a natural function of sub-atomic processes has also been strong. In spite of Lord Kelvin's statement that "Science is bound by the everlasting law of honour to face fearlessly every problem which can fairly be presented to it," some scientists have refused to even look at Pearson's data, or review the hypotheses of the other researchers.
Adrian Berry, Science Correspondent of the "Daily Telegraph," has framed this attitude perfectly by stating in print that
"few subjects more infuriate scientists than claims of paranormal phenomena, because, if confirmed, the whole fabric of science would be threatened."
Although obviously not Berry's intention, these words make a crucial point for the embattled researchers.
Roll's response to Berry is that "nothing can threaten true science, which in essence is the unceasing search for knowledge, and that observed and verifiable facts call for an explanation of their cause, no matter how uncomfortable the eventual solution may be for it's discoverers." He equates such reluctance to explore new vistas with past suppression of uncomfortable ideas and discoveries, as when the brilliant researcher Giordano Bruno was murdered by the Catholic Church for daring to assert that "There are many suns, with many planets circling them. The priests and so-called "scientists" of Galileo's day refused to look through his telescope, because of fear that what they might observe would overturn their cherished and antiquated beliefs.
Even the ubiquitous James "The Amazing" Randi, erstwhile magician and member of the "Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal," (although he has been forced to resign from this organization due to legal problems stemming from character defamation suits brought against him) has taken it upon himself to attack the premise of scientific verification of continuing post-mortem existence. His nose was figuratively bloodied during an encounter with Sam Nicholls, however, when the astrophysicist, as a member of the audience of a television show, stood up and publicly challenged Randi's assertions. The magician quickly ordered the cameras of Granada Television Studio switched off before they could record Nicholls' words.
Since there is no separation of church and state in Britain, religious opposition there has, until very recently, made it difficult for Roll to air his findings and those of his colleagues. As an example of this church-state integration, the law demands that an "act of Christian worship" be performed daily in every school throughout the land!
Also, British laws have not always favored Roll's attempts to disseminate his views in the media. One example of this mental harassment is an incident which would be unimaginable in the USA. Because of a clause in the Broadcasting Act, the host of a radio show on which Roll appeared and championed the existence of subatomic phenomena as a natural law, while denying it's divine origin, was threatened with being reported to the IBA, (the British counterpart of the Federal Communications Commission) if Roll ever again appeared on his show. The courageous broadcaster was not intimidated, and his publicizing of the threat resulted in increased demand by listeners for more information on the subject, which led to Roll ultimately being invited back on the air without fear of sanctions. These and other restrictions have worked as deterrents to the free dissemination of information on sub-atomic phenomena, but the situation is rapidly changing.
Lately, likely due to public pressure, Roll has been allowed to air his views more freely, and has been appearing on a series of radio broadcasts, where he was able to reveal the far-reaching discoveries of his colleagues with a minimum of restrictions. He also gives numerous lectures throughout the UK and in Europe, and recently formed the Campaign for Philosophical Freedom to further disseminate the truth about ongoing life in etheric realms. As word of these exciting and factual affirmations of heretofore only hoped-for afterlife existence spreads, the public is showing its strong interest in life after death by ever-increasing attendance at lectures and programs given by Roll and his associates. They are demanding more information, as well as the lowering of all remaining barriers to free and open discussion of the matter. In future years, it is likely that the present times will be looked back upon as the dawning of a new Renaissance in humankind's perception of both the physical and non-physical worlds alike.
A quote from Arthur Schopenhauer describes the current situation in the study of sub-atomic physics as it relates to ongoing life now being at the second stage, and nearing the third:
"Any unexplained phenomenon passes through three stages before the reality of it is accepted:
During the first stage it is considered laughable.
During the second stage, it is adamantly opposed.
Finally, during the third stage, it is accepted as self-evident."
- After Arthur Schopenhauer (1788 - 1860)

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  Two Coal Miners Trapped 300 + hrs.
Posted by: v3_exceed - 06-12-2018, 10:32 AM - Forum: Conspiracy Forums - No Replies

Coal miners David Fellin, left, then 58, and Henry "Hank" Throne, then 28, freshly shaven and wearing pajamas, shake hands in the hospital shortly after their miraculous rescue on Aug. 27, 1963. They had been entombed for 14 days.

**Copyright © 1990 Ed Conrad
This excerpt was retrieved from Ed Conrad.com And if you find this interesting, please visit his site.**

Conclusive evidence of life after death actually has been available for more than a quarter-century.

This opinion is shared by two of the world's foremost authorities on death and dying, Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross and Dr. Bruce Greyson. They agree that the proof had been provided by a pair of Pennsylvania coal miners who, back in 1963, revealed that Pope John XXIII had appeared to both of them at the same time during their 14-day entombment following an underground cave-in near Hazleton, Pa.

Pope John died in a hospital in Rome, Italy, on June 3, 1963, some 10 weeks before the cave-in.

David Fellin, one of the miners, personally had told Dr. Kubler-Ross about the appearance of the deceased pontiff and provided details of other mysterious, supernatural experiences which he, then 58, and Henry ``Hank" Throne, then 28, had shared while cut off from the rest of the world during the first five days of their grueling ordeal.

Among the remarkable things Fellin had told Dr. Kubler-Ross during a day-long conversation in her home in Headwaters, Va., were the two separate occasions that he insisted he and Throne had been out of their physical bodies at the same time, during which they actually had engaged in conversation.

Dr. Kubler-Ross, the internationally acclaimed author of numerous books on death and dying, said she believed Fellin and stated that the miners' miraculous rescue, the appearance of the deceased pope and the out-of-body experiences shared by two persons at the same time -- never before documented -- is ``the evidence . . . that life does not end when our physical body dies."
Dr. Greyson, then a psychiatrist at the University of Connecticut Health Center and an official of The International Association for Near-death Studies, had become acquainted with the incredible details of the supernatural events connected with the cave-in only in the last year of Fellin's life but had found them fascinating.

``I am most intrigued by the simultaneous experiences of David Fellin and Hank Throne, who apparently conversed while out of their bodies," he stated. ``If they can corroborate each other's accounts, they could provide evidence for the reality of `The Other Side' beyond anything yet available."
[Image: 10eabc52b1132895fb78335d17e53d0f.jpg]
When making that statement, Dr. Greyson, then the editor of The Journal of Near-Death Studies, hadn't been aware that such corroboration actually had taken place soon after Fellin and Throne had been dramatically rescued.

After being pulled to the surface through a 17 1/2-inch bore hole on Aug. 27, 1963, the two miners had been interviewed individually, then together, by a pair of psychiatrists and a third staff member from the Institute of the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia.

These intriguing interviews, the subject of an article in the American Journal of Psychiatry, offered the evidence that both men undoubtedly had been mutual participants in a series of mysterious, supernatural events, including the appearance of the late pontiff, and their joint out-of-body experiences.

The Journal article stated that ``neither man exhibited evidence of psychosis or marked mental abnormality when examined,'' yet dismissed their similar experiences as ``fantasies" and ``hallucinations." The authors felt they had been caused by the miners' life-threatening situation when entombed.

This was their conclusion even through both men independently had described a variety of similar unexplained occurrences underground. They had mentioned, among other things, that their darkened chamber suddenly was illuminated with a bluish light; the deceased pontiff appearing to them; and seeing a large number of men who were neither miners nor members of the rescue party.
[Image: 09108f44a5fd9f3aaebbfe1f6e6d30e0.jpg]
Fellin also revealed that, shortly after being rescued, he had been interviewed for more than seven hours by the U.S. Navy Survival Team headed by Lt. Richard Anderson, a medical doctor and psychiatrist.

Fellin said the day after his interview, Lt. Anderson visited his hospital room and told him he was absolutely certain his experiences were factual because Throne also had been interviewed for several hours -- something Fellin hadn't even been aware of -- and their two stories had meshed perfectly.

``Dr. Anderson told me that our story MUST be true because it would be impossible for two people to concoct a story that would stand up so well during such lengthy interviews," said Fellin. "In fact, he told me if the President (Kennedy) or the pope (Pope Paul VI, who succeeded Pope John XXIII) would say our story wasn't true, I shouldn't argue with them but simply walk away because he KNOWS it's true."

It should be noted that all attempts to obtain a copy of Fellin's taped interview or a transcript from the U.S. Navy in recent years has been unsuccessful. In fact, Navy officials first denied knowledge of Lt. Anderson but later -- in response to a request for information by a U.S. Congressman -- admitted that he had resigned from the Navy in 1964, the year following the cave-in and rescue..

Dr. Kubler-Ross said Fellin's revelations are ``obviously true'' and emphasized that she is convinced that Pope John XXIII had much to do with their survival. ``From the moment of the late pope's appearance until they were moved out of the drillholes, he illuminated their cave with a bluish light radiating from him," she stated.

Dr. Kubler-Ross also was greatly impressed by the manner in which the two miners had survived the first five days following the cave-in, calling it ``a guideline for our miners, soldiers, mountain climbers and all those at risk to face a similar ordeal one day." She referred to their battle to stay alive as ``a story of faith, courage, and mutual care and respect . . ."

Concerning Fellin's claims of having shared two out-of-body trips with Throne at his side, Dr. Kubler-Ross said she is certain they indeed had taken place, calling them ``very real, as I am happy to witness from my own life experiences."

Throne actually was the first to reveal the supernatural experiences after being rescued, even though Fellin emphatically had warned him not to do so. He said, just before Throne had been hauled to the surface, he had grabbed him by the shirt and told him he'd better not say a word about them because ``If you do, right away they'll say you're nuts."

Throne failed to heed the advice and, in fact, had told several nurses and attendants at Hazleton State General Hospital about a few of the mysterious occurrences soon after being flown there in a U.S. Navy helicopter.

Throne also mentioned some of these mysterious events during an exclusive interview he had granted to The Associated Press which had appeared in newspapers worldwide. Fellin also had been interviewed by the AP, during which he corroborated some of the things his companion had related.

Commented Throne while being interviewed by AP:

``There were times we saw people who weren't there and lights that weren't there and doors that weren't there. Imagine seeing a regular house door down in the bottom of a mine. I'd sleep! I'd wake up. I'd see all kinds of lights and the actual figures of people. They now tell me these were hallucinations but the crazy thing is that Davey would see the things the same as I did."

Commented Fellin during his interview:

``Now they're trying to tell me those things were hallucinations, that we imagined it all. We didn't! Our minds weren't playing tricks on us. I've been a practical hard-headed miner all my life. My mind was clear down there in the mine. These things happened! I can't explain them. I'm almost afraid to think what might be the explanation."
[Image: 0359203443a5fc0dd97910e549c75ee9.jpg]
David Fellin, then in his early 80s, and Ed Conrad stand at the tombstone of Louis Bova which had been erected near the bore hole through which Fellin and Hank Throne were rescued. Bova was killed in the cave-in.
Fellin said just after granting these interviews to the wire service, psychiatrists and psychologists began inferring that Throne, whose interview was published first, temporarily had lost his sanity inside the mine. This undoubtedly explains why Throne, who is still living, had been reluctant to discuss these experiences after freely talking about them in the first few days following his rescue.

Fellin decided to say nothing further about them for years because he said he had become extremely angry that his companion's sanity had been seriously questioned. ``If they wouldn't believe Hank (back in 1963), they sure as hell wouldn't have believed me," said Fellin.

However, over the past five years before his death, Fellin had left numerous notarized letters and taped conversations -- both audio and video -- in which he vividly detailed a number of supernatural events in which he insisted he had participated.

Fellin said he was absolutely certain he and Throne had been out of their physical bodies because, the first time it happened, they suddenly found themselves STANDING some 40-50 feet from the refuge area with a crowd of normal-looking men on both sides of them. He said he then looked over his shoulder and saw him and Throne still SITTING back in the enclosure. Fellin said he needed additional proof that it wasn't a dream or a hallucination, therefore extended his right hand in front of one of the men standing next to him to see if it would cast a shadow, which it did.

``That's when I knew for sure I wasn't going crazy," said Fellin. ``If that hadn't happened, I never would've mentioned a word about the strange things which had taken place."
Due to Fellin's age and very poor eyesight, the letters had been written on his behalf by veteran newsman Ed Conrad of the Hazleton Standard-Speaker, who had met the longtime miner for the very first time a week before his 80th birthday at the wake of a mutual friend.

Conrad had been greatly impressed with Fellin's almost total recall of events concerning the cave-in and rescue and also was impressed with his intelligence and tremendous humility. When Fellin revealed some of the strange events which had transpired while he and Throne were entombed, Conrad pursued the role of an investigative reporter.
[Image: 7770cda4e485c456aa94f7f10cdb6e3b.jpg]
Fellin's letters had been based strictly on what he had told Conrad during their conversations, the vast majority of which had been taped. Each letter had been read to Fellin, who signed it and had it notarized only after it had met his complete satisfaction as being totally accurate.

Conrad also arranged for Fellin to take a polygraph concerning his revelations about the validity of his experiences and he emphatically agreed to do so.

One question asked of Fellin was: ``After your chamber suddenly lit up with a mysterious bluish light, did you and Hank see Pope John XXIII, then Hank asked you `Who's that fella?' " He answered ``Yes."

Fellin also was asked: ``When you and Hank were out of your enclosure for the first time, did you find yourself walking among a large crowd and then look back and see you and Hank still sitting in the chamber? He answered ``Yes."

The certified polygraphist who had administered the test had stated in writing that the answer to both questions had revealed ``no reactions indicative of deception."
[Image: f8855196988497c70d51feed3992809b.jpg]Dave Fellin, in the twilight of his life, proudly holds a copy of the London Evening News published on Aug. 27, 1963, the day he and Hank Throne were miraculously rescued.
In one of his letters, Fellin testified that when it was apparent that neither he nor Throne would get out of the mine alive, he had gotten angry with God and said a ``prayer'' in which he had demanded that the Creator at least have the decency to let him know what evil he had done in his lifetime that he was being forced to die ``a thousand deaths'' while facing mental and physical torture inside the mine.

He said a short while later, what appeared to be three tiny bluish fireflies suddenly appeared in the total darkness, began expanding and soon filled the entire chamber with a bluish light.

Fellin testified that the bluish light, which cast no shadow, had provided perfect visibility. He also said the small enclosure where they had been trapped expanded, enabling them to move around.

Fellin further testified that, when the bluish light enabled them to see, he noticed Pope John XXIII at an elevation in the distance, visible only from the waist up.

He said the pontiff, who was 81 when he died, appeared to be about half that age, his arms were folded in front of him and he was grinning at them.

Fellin said Pope John, who had been elected the Catholic church's 262nd pontiff in 1958, was wearing a black cassock ``like that of a poor parish priest.

``It wasn't a vision and it wasn't a picture," he remarked. ``It was him: Pope John! I'd have recognized him anywhere."

Fellin said he hoped Throne wouldn't see the pope -- fearing Hank would go berserk if he realized a dead man was with them -- but the younger man definitely saw him because he had pointed at the pontiff and excitedly asked: ``Who's that fella?"

Fellin also testified that Pope John remained with him and Throne right up to the time they were hauled to the surface (a week later) wearing parachute harnesses and football helmets while newspapermen from around the world were assembled at the mine site.

Pope John, one of 13 children of an Italian sharecropper, was admired for his tremendous humility. In his first appearance to a huge crowd assembled in the Vatican courtyard following his election, he came out wearing only a cassock and surplice to the great surprise of the huge crowd and the utter shock of church hierarchy.

Fellin, during the last years of his life, insisted he had made numerous incredible journeys to ``The Other Side" of death.

``I was shown `The Other World'," he stated. ``This is NOT the real world. We have to earn our place in the real world. I KNOW because I made the whole trip."

Fellin, interestingly, said a multitude of persons who have come close to death and later insisted they had traveled through ``a tunnel of light" are mistaken.

``This is because they're unknowledgeable about tunnels," he explained. ``I spent more than 50 years working inside tunnels in the mines and even helped build many of them, so I should know a lot about tunnels -- and I do!

``These people didn't travel throught a tunnel. Actually, there's an umbrella of light over their head and it moves along with them as they move along in the darkness."
[Image: 7d0cf48637bc7e6da53c5e8368a808c0.jpg]David Fellin, prior to his death at age 84 in 1990, holds a copy of the Los Angeles Times which reported that some of the Pennsylvania coal miners, who had been given up for dead, were remarkably still alive.
Much of what Fellin had seen and experienced during his journeys to ``The Other Side" is detailed in additional notarized letters.

It should be noted that, during their second joint out-of-body journey, Fellin and Throne had come across beautiful marble doors which were open and revealed stairs. Throne told Fellin they should walk up the stairs because they would lead to the surface and safety. However, when Throne was in the process of taking his very first step toward the doors, they suddenly closed and he became extremely angry, threatening to break down the doors. When he did, he and Fellin were returned to their physical bodies.

Following that incident, Throne made no additional out-of-body trips, although Fellin insisted he made many, many others past the marble doors.

Among Fellin's most remarkable revelations were journeys he insisted he had taken back in time which had afforded him an opportunity to witness monumental events of history as they actually occurred.

He testified, for example, that he had watched the construction of the pyramids in Egypt and had been aboard Christopher Columbus' ship -- unseen by Columbus and his crew -- during his journey to discover America. As for the time-honored question of how the pyramids were built, Fellin said, based on what he had observed, it was nowhere near the gargantuan task as is generally theorized. He emphasized that it did not require thousands of men working for hundreds of years because not a single multi-ton rock had to be hauled to the site from a great distance.

Meanwhile, Fellin said Columbus -- whom he described as having yellow hair and a red beard -- was Tyrolean, not Italian, and that the secret of his success was simply because he had mastered the use of the compass. The compass assured Columbus that, if he didn't reach land by the time half of the crew's food supply was depleted, he'd simply turn his vessel around and head in the opposite direction to make it back to his home port.

Fellin told Conrad that he had learned that Columbus' real name wasn't even Columbus.

``He was called Columbo, which is Latin for pigeon, but it was only his nickname," he explained. ``Columbus had earned the nickname by sailing to points unknown and always returning safely. So people around the docks started calling him Columbo -- meaning that he was a homing pigeon that always returned to its nest.

"Of course, they didn't realize Columbus was using the compass -- a very large compass which was right in the middle of his very small cabin -- to earn his reputation as an excellent seaman. Back then, the compass had been regarded as nothing more than a child's toy, not as a navigating instrument."

Explicit details of Fellin's out-of-body journeys which enabled to watch the pyramids being built as well as to observe Columbus during his trip across the Atlantic to discover America in 1492 are revealed in several of his notarized letters.
[Image: 8963bb4b14cb2263a668dc7f0e6664ad.jpg]Hank Throne, just a few years before he passed away, holds a copy of the Hazleton Standard-Speaker which detailed his rescue from the mine shaft.
The mine rescue operation, unprecedented in the annals of mining anywhere in the world, had become a top news story only after contact had been made with Fellin and Throne who had been given up for dead.

The two miners had been discovered to be alive after a six-inch bore hole had been drilled into the earth in a million-to-one shot. The objective had been to reach an area where three men who had been inside Oneida No. 2 mine might have found shelter if, indeed, they hadn't perished in the cave-in.

"MINE MIRACLE," headlined the Los Angeles Times in its edition of Monday, Aug. 19 (1963), although erroneously reporting that all three miners -- including Louis Bova, 54 -- were alive.

The rather incredible news that two of the men were still alive after five days underground was major news and remained so until their rescue.

Mining officials, engineers and men who had worked inside that particular mine had helped determine the placement of a stake at the most probable location where the original bore hole should penetrate the earth a distance of more than 300 feet.
Only in the last years of his life did Fellin learn that the bull's-eye hole, which had enabled contact with the outside world, hadn't even been drilled at the original stake.

One of the men in charge of the rescue operation had admitted in a newspaper article on the fifth anniversary of the cave-in that the heavy rig containing the drill, which had been driven to the mine site from a distance of many miles, actually had experienced mechanical failure some 20-30 feet from the stake.

It was then decided, since the unprecedented attempt to reach the men through a bore hole bordered on the impossible, that drilling be done precisely where the truck had broken down.

Once contact had been made with Fellin and Throne, the only hope of rescuing them was to drill a much larger bore hole, through which the men could be pulled to the surface. The bit used to drill the 17 1/2-inch-wide hole, through which they eventually were hauled to the surface, had been flown to the site free of charge by one of billionaire Howard Hughes' drilling companies in Texas.

Bova died as a result of the cave-in in the mine located only a half-mile from Fellin's home and his body was never recovered. A tombstone had been erected above the area where the cave-in had occurred.

Fellin and Throne, who had been underground a total of 329 hours and 17 minutes, had received a telegram from President Kennedy, who would be assassinated in Dallas less than three months later.
[Image: a9d137ac7122497ef362ad945862b693.jpg]
``Congratulations," JFK had wired them. ``The stamina, courage and spirit which you and your rescuers have exhibited in recent days have earned the admiration of all Americans. I wish to join with them in expressing my heartfelt good wishes for your speedy recovery."

The cave-in and rescue had been featured as part of the ``Survival!" television documentary series in the mid-1960s and the program -- complete with actual film clips of the rescue -- had been telecast several times.
(Portions of the material in this article are fully protected by previous U.S. Copyrights -- in 1985, 1986 and 1987 -- that had been acquired by Ed Conrad.)

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  Frederic Myers
Posted by: v3_exceed - 06-12-2018, 10:30 AM - Forum: Conspiracy Forums - No Replies

Frederic Myers
Frederick Myers was a professor of classics at Cambridge University in England. He was born in 1843 and he died in 1901. One overriding interest characterized this man: a passionate curiosity about the meaning of human life. He devoted most of his adult years to trying to satisfy this curiosity, but he did it in a rather unusual way. He did not pore over theological writings and philosophical speculation. He felt that if human life did have a purpose, then it could be discovered in only one way: through the study of human experiences. This conviction led him, in 1882, to found the first Society for Psychical Research with some of his Cambridge colleagues.
**This is an exerpt from Trans4mind.com and is only presented to provide the first step in what I'm considering as possible proof of an existence after we shed these earthly shells. If you find this interesting, please visit the above site and click on some of their sponsors.**

Frederick Myers was a professor of classics at Cambridge University in England. He was born in 1843 and he died in 1901. One overriding interest characterized this man: a passionate curiosity about the meaning of human life. He devoted most of his adult years to trying to satisfy this curiosity, but he did it in a rather unusual way. He did not pore over theological writings and philosophical speculation. He felt that if human life did have a purpose, then it could be discovered in only one way: through the study of human experiences. This conviction led him, in 1882, to found the first Society for Psychical Research with some of his Cambridge colleagues.

In particular, Myers and his associates wanted to know if human beings survived bodily death. If they did, then life in a body must have a discoverable purpose. Myers was a man of enormous energy and great intellectual ability. After twenty years of intensive investigation, he concluded that he had answered this question. He wrote a book about what he had learned that became a classic - probably the most important work ever written in this strange field - called "Human Personality and Its Survival of Bodily Death".

Myers had a strong interest in mediumship, and grappled to the end of his life with the problems involved in interpreting its results. The difficulties lay not with the limitations of the mediums' powers, but with their scope. When a medium became entranced, and a voice, remarkably like that of a dead person, issued forth from her mouth, claiming to be that person and showing an encyclopedic knowledge of that person's life, then it seemed to Myers that contact was being made with the dead. Or when a medium, in a half-trance, seemed to be talking to someone who had been in his grave for some time, and was able to answer detailed questions about his life, Myers at first reached the conclusion that the dead still live.

But his research, in the end, didn't turn out to be quite that simple. For he became aware of cases in which those attending a seance had been given such detail about a person they knew who claimed in the communication to be dead. Later, however, they would discover that he was still alive! And in a few cases, as an experiment, someone had gone to a medium and mentally concentrated on an entirely fictitious personality, only to receive 'communications' from that 'personality,' claiming to come from beyond the grave! In other words, when mediums went into trance states, they could at times pick up accurate information about living or fictitious persons telepathically and deliver it as if it came from the dead. In other words, the medium may be unable to distinguish between telepathic communication from the living and telepathic communication from the dead.

So this posed a problem. Mediums did not seem to do such things in a fraudulent spirit; they were sometimes unable to tell whether information came from the living or from the dead, but tended to make the sometimes false assumption it was from the latter. Myers never solved this problem during his life. What he did was even more impressive. He solved it after he was dead!
The Cross-Correspondences
Within a few weeks of Myers's death in 1901, some very strange communications began to be received by psychics in England, the United States and India. They came through automatic writing to a total of a dozen psychics and continued for a period of thirty years and then later by his fellow leaders of the Society for Psychical Research, Professor Henry Sidgwick and Edmund Gurney as they too died. What was strangest about them was that they made no sense. Or perhaps they did - for they were so mysteriously worded that it almost seemed their meaning was being deliberately concealed. And most of them were signed, "Myers." In all more than three thousand scripts were transmitted over thirty years. Some of them were more than forty typed pages long.

But although the text of the messages seemed indecipherable, the 'instructions' which often accompanied them were clear. These instructions repeated a number of themes. The 'script' should be sent to a particular person, who would turn out to be one of the other psychics involved. Or it should be sent to the Society for Psychical Research. And that although its content may seem to be senseless, it was in reality anything but: it was an attempt by the deseased communicator to prove his continued existence. These instructions and explanations were, in fact, frequent and explicit. "Record the bits," wrote Myers, "and when fitted they will make the whole." And again, "I will give the words between you that neither alone can read but together they will give the clue."

It was some time, however, before the people involved fully realized what was happening. When they did, they gathered the fragments together and found that they had communications which were clear, coherent and continuous. Most of these scripts consisted of references to and quotations from both classical and modern literature. Some were so obscure that only a scolar, and a specialized one at that, would recognize them. The intention was to make these scripts seem random and pointless to the individual psychics, in order to avoid giving clues to the train of thought behind them. They would only become meaningful and show evidence of design when pieced together by an independent investigator. The interest lies in the question: Who selected them to convey a train a thought which could not be deduced from any one person's script? The answer was the dead communicator.

Myers was trying to prove that the mind of the medium could not be the creator of the message: how could it be when the message was only a fragment which made no sense unless linked with other, equally 'meaningless' fragments. Myers was quite explicit about what he was doing. He was causing a dozen psychics, in various widely separated parts of the world, not only to refer to the same topic - often a highly obscure one - but to do so in ways which were complementary. Like the parts of a jigsaw puzzle, these 'pieces' did more than refer to the same theme; they did so in ways which were intricately intertwined. Those who studied and tried to interpret these 'jigsaw puzzles' called them cross-correspondences.

The simplest case involved the repetition of particular themes drawn from various language and literary sources. On April 24, 1907, while in trance in the United States, an American medium named Mrs Piper three times uttered the word "Thantos," a Greek word meaning 'death,' despite the fact that she had no knowledge of Greek. Such repetitions were often a signal that cross-correspondences were about to begin. But it had begun already. About a week earlier, in India, Mrs Holland had done some automatic writing, and in that script the following enigmatic communication had appeared: "Mors [Latin for death]. And with that the shadow of death fell upon his limbs." On April 29th, in England, Mrs Verrall, writing automatically, produced the words: "Warmed both hands before the fire of life. It fades and I am ready to depart." This is a quotation from a poem by nineteenth-century English poet, Walter Landor. Mrs Verrall next drew a triangle. This could be Delta, the fourth letter of the Greek alphabet. She had always considered it a symbol of death. She then wrote: "Manibus date lilia plenis" [give lilies with full hands]. This is a quotation from Virgil's Aeneid in which an early death is foretold. This was followed by the statement: "Come away, come away, Pallida mors [Latin for pale death]," and, finally, an explicit statement from the communicator: "You have got the word plainly written all along in your writing. Look back." The 'word,' or 'theme,' was quite obvious when these fragments, given in the same month to three mediums thousands of miles apart, were put together and scrutinized. And in view of the lifelong interest of the communicator, it was certainly an appropriate theme. Death.

This gives some indication of the complexity of even the simplest cross-correspondence. And most of those who have studied them have concluded that they were exactly what they claimed to be: an experiment conducted from beyond the grave to establish that Myers still lived.

Myers pursued this task with a diligence characteristic of him in life. From 1901 to 1932, more than three thousand scripts were communicated. Receiving and interpreting such a vast body of material was often burdensome to those involved. But for Myers, the whole enterprise was a source of anguish. He had survived physical death, as others do, and now he was desperately eager to communicate this fact in a fashion which would convince his still living colleagues. But, because he had no body, he had to use the minds of others. He had to struggle to 'get through.' And in the scripts he sent, he refers again and again to the suffering that this cost him.

"Oh, if I could only leave you the proof that I continue. Yet another attempt to run the blockade - to strive to get a message through. How can I make your hand docile enough - how can I convince them? I am trying, amid unspeakable difficulties. It is impossible for me to know how much of what I send reaches you. I feel as if I had presented my credentials - reiterated the proofs of my identity in a wearisomely repetitive manner. The nearest simile I can find to express the difficulty of sending a message is that I appear to be standing behind a sheet of frosted glass, which blurs sight and deadens sound, dicatating feebly to a reluctant and somewhat obtuse secretary. A feeling of terrible impotence burdens me. Oh it is a dark road."

Myers, for all the grand scope of his interests, was a very modest man. And he was also a very systematic one. These two qualities perfectly explained the style and timing of his after-death communications. He had first to prove to his friends that he still lived and he devoted thirty years to that. But what was of even greater interest, once that was established, was his description of what it was like to be dead. Myers, always the scholar, was not about to run hastily into a discussion about such a momentous subject. He was very systematic and cautious about that too. He had been dead for nearly twenty-three years before, at last, he started to communicate on that most mysterious of all geographies - the world of the dead.

Myers was not, of course, the first to describe life after death. Plenty of other communicators had done that in spiritualist seances, but although their reports had at first been examined with fascinated anticipation, thay were soon dismissed with snorts of derision. For Heaven, the afterlife, had always been something very special to man - a transcendent paradise where the pain and struggle of this life would be surmounted and the mysteries of human life and death would at last be revealed in the very abode of God himself. But what was reported was quite something else indeed. For what the communicators described was nothing but an earth-life. It was terribly beautiful, and the 'dead' were very happy, and active too. What exactly did they do there? Well, pretty much what they had always done - they played golf, for example, and drank Scotch. They had sexual adventures and they smoked cigars. They played cards, lived in houses like those they had occupied on earth, and even went to work! Now this, obviously, could not be Heaven: it was clearly spiritualist self-delusion. Myers, however, was to show that these communicators were right - at least in part. For it had never occurred to the critics that if men were going to transcend their earth-lives after death and move onwards to a 'divine' realm, then it would certainly be a kindness to them them to start them off with something familiar - to match the lives and beliefs they were familiar with on earth.
The World of the Dead
Hades, the underworld, the world of shadows, is the realm where the lowest states of consciousness possible after death occur. Myers did not have much to say about Hades, for it did not greatly interest him. But when the comments which he did make are put together with those of other investigators, a reasonably clear picture of this world emerges. The dead who remain at this level have had their transition to the normal world of post-death existence aborted. In this realm dwell haunting ghosts and possessing spirits. The lowest after-death state possible is complete unconsciousness; a comatose, non-dreaming sleep-like state. A brief period of unconsciousness often follows a tiring death and is recuperative and normal. But where it is prolonged, it usually results from a kind of reverse faith - a belief, or an intense hope, that only nothingness and complete personal extinction follows death. This belief can produce a prolonged comatose state, just as religious beliefs or other preoccupations or expectations can model the after-death world in which the individual finds himself. When such unconscious spirits are brought by 'helping' discarnates to the body of a medium engaged in 'rescue' work for the dead, they typically result in instant loss of consciousness for the medium, and can be awakened and enlightened only with difficulty.

The next highest state involves consciousness without sensory input. Spirits in this state complain that they wander in darkness or dense mist. Should they come into the vicinity of a psychically sensitive person with a bright aura, they will be drawn to this light - as it exists in this alternative plane of existence - and may inadvertently 'possess' or attach to the victim. Clearly, the immediate cause of this condition is a low state of consciousness. People at this level can perceive neither the after-death environment nor the previous physical one. Only a small minority of the dead have to endure this state.

One step above the 'darkness' is the normal physical envirnment of the living - our present world. The dead who remain in this world find themselves 'right here' with the physically embodied. The great majority of those who get involved with hauntings or possessions dwell in this dis-embodied state. The anger and vindictiveness so often displayed by such spirits is understandable, for they have to operate in the physical realm, with their old physical and earthly interests, obsessions and desires, but without the body that would make their gratification possible, and often, as well, without even the realization that they are dead. This state can be prolonged; in fact, some communications with haunting ghosts show that it can last for centuries, even millenia. It may be that especially intense emotional attachments - of love, hatred, anguish - to embodied persons or earthly places is responsible for this condition.

After death, most of us, thankfully, will not have to endure unconsciousness, darkness, or bodiless frustration at the physical level. We pass immediately to the first normal after-death plane of existence. Myers's feelings about it were deeply ambivalent. He had loved it, for it could be supremely beautiful. It was obvious that this was the heaven for which men yearn and of which their theologies had always told them. But Myers discovered there were realms beyond it, and once he had developed enough to dwell there, he defined this first state of existence negatively - "the plane of illusion."
The Chain of Being
Myers discovered more. In fact, though a modest man, he discovered nothing less than the basic purpose of the universe. Were he the only one ever to maintain that this particular intent underlay the existence of the physical universe, there could be less reason to take him seriously; but the fact is that identical explanations have been asserted by others, both disembodied and embodied.

Myers's theory can be simply stated. Reality has two fundamental attributes - a physical one and a psychic one. The physical is represented by a universe of matter, located in a fixed space and time continuum. The psychic constitutes another, complementary world, which is not solid and fixed in matter, energy, space and time - instead of being a creation it is creative, instead of being an effect it is causative.

Developing psychic entities must gather numberless experiences, manifest and express themselves in uncountable forms, before they attain to completion. Once these are acquired the entities take on divine attributes. The reason therefore, for the universe - and the purpose of our existence - is the evolution of mind in matter.

Each of us begins as an extremely rudimentary psychic entity, capable of only a very simple physical embodiment. Through repeated embodiments, the psyche grows steadily more complex and ascends the chain of matter. Reincarnation, then, doesn't just involve human bodies - it involves every kind of matter and life form. Hence there are two fundamental kinds of 'learning' - embodied or physical, and disembodied or psychic. Between each embodied life there is a disembodied one. And to be a human being is not, according to Myers, anything like an ultimate state. One learns in a human body for a period of time and then - provided one has learnt the appropriate lessons - one moves on. One passes beyond physical embodiment altogether.

The ultimate existence conceivable to the mind of man is that of 'God,' and according to Myers, that is precisely where we are headed. Our training takes us through every form of existence - from mineral to plant, from plant to animal, from animal to human, from human to devine. We eventually return to our psychic origin, our true nature, which is that of God. It is like God exploring His Creation through our individual travels, experiences and education.

These stupendous conceptions endow a very odd poem with sense. Mystics have always claimed to have had direct experience of the nature of ultimate reality, and seven centuries ago, Rumi, a Persian mystic, wrote the following enigmatic lines:

I died a mineral and became a plant; I died a plant and rose an animal; I died an animal and I was a man. Why should I fear? When was I less by dying? Yet once more I shall die as a man, to soar With blessed angels; even from angelhood I must pass on ... When I have sacrificed my angel soul, I shall become that which no mind conceived.

Seven hundred years later we find the remarkable psychic Joan Grant reaffirming exactly those ideas, which she derived from her own paranormal experiences:

"I acquired sufficient empirical experience to see the broad outlines of the progress of an individual during the initial four phases of his evolution. He starts with only enough ability to organize a single molecule. As his experience increases, and his consciousness begins to expand, he requires more complex forms through which to express that consciousness. When he can no longer be contained by the mineral phase of existence, he enters the plant kingdom, then graduates by a series of incarnations as various species of animal, to his first incarnation as a member of the human race."
Seth Speaks
Myers states that human beings reincarnate from the plane of illusion, but that once they have learned enough from periodic existences in the confines of this physical reality, they pass beyond these planes and need be embodied no longer.

An identical claim is made by 'Seth,' a discarnate teacher who communicates through the medium Jane Roberts. According to Seth, each individual consciousness - or spark of God-consciousness - must undergo a long period of training and learning through repeated physical embodiments. Being human is simply one 'stage' in this process of development, and when, through repeated incarnations, this stage is complete, one passes onward to further planes of existence which offer more exalted opportunities for development and creative expression of the God-like qualities of love, life and truth. The most crucial lesson to be learned is karmic or ethical. Through repeated embodiments, the undeveloped individual - through ignorant selfishness - treats others with cruelty and hatred, and, in accordance with natural process, is subjected to cruelty and hatred in return. When one treats others with unconditional and selfless love and kindness, one is likewise rewarded.

The ultimate result of these lessons is spiritual development and a passage beyond physical embodiment, giving access to God-like creative powers once the entity is highly enough evolved to use these in an ethically responsible way. While he is still unevolved and would use these powers to injure, control, exploit or destroy others, he does not have access to them.

In a series of trance communications, Seth had given Jane Roberts and her husband Rob a series of 'lectures' on the nature of reality as he perceived it from a plane higher than the human. With all Seth had told them about man's potentials, they wondered why the race isn't more developed morally and spiritually. They were pretty upset about the state of the world in general. That evening, Seth came through in his usual distinct, clear voice. Among other things, Seth said:

"The human race is a stage through which various forms of consciousness travel. Before you can enter into systems of reality that are more open and extensive, you must first learn through physical life. As a child forms mud pies from dirt, so you form your civilizations. When you leave the physical system after reincarnations, you have learned the lessons - and you are literally no longer a member of the human race for you elect to leave it. In more advanced systems, thoughts and emotions are automatically and immediately translated into whatever approximation of matter that exists. Therefore, the lessons must be taught and learned well.

"The responsibility for creation must be clearly understood. In physical life on earth, you are in a soundproof and isolated room. Hate creates destruction in that room, and until the lessons are learned, destruction follows destruction ... the agonies are sorely felt. You must be taught to create responsibly. Earth life is a training system for emerging consciousness. If the sorrows and agonies of your system were not felt as real, the lessons would not be learned. It is like an educational play."

In other words, in these realms beyond the human, thought and emotion can immediately create - through the causative attribute of consciousness that is the power of intention - a concrete, objectively real environment. Entities - being essentially 'of God' - do not allow themselves to enter these realms until they are highly developed enough to create 'responsibly.'
Dr. Grof's LSD Research
Hypnosis and deep psychoanalysis has been able to demonstrate that the subconscious mind contains not only an incredibly detailed and accurate record of present-life experiences, but similarly a whole set of past existences. Going even deeper, Stanislav Grof in the 1970's undertook remarkable research using the powerful drug LSD in the context of psychotherapeutic procedures. The results were astounding. When patients were given a series of LSD treatments, their subconscious minds yielded up memories from progressively more remote points in time. First are memories from this life, vividly re-lived, including many from foetal life in the womb and from the actual birth experience. Once these memories have been therapeutically released, the individuals then began to re-experience past human lives. Grof writes:

"The opening of the area of past incarnation experiences in LSD sessions is sometimes preceded by complex instructions received through non-verbal means (i.e. on an intuitive level) through the assignment of an individual spiritual entity. This being introduces the subject to the fact of reincarnation, and helps him to recognize his responsibility for past actions."

Although this is extraordinary enough, the evidnce from hypnotic regression will have prepared us for it. But with LSD regression we find ourselves in an even more alien and dizzying realm, for LSD subjects not infrequently report experiences as animals, plants and minerals. These experiences are typically accompanied by uncannily accurate knowledge of the nature of such creatures and structures. Grof writes:

"Evolutionary memories have specific experiential characteristics that make them distinct from human experiences and often seem to transcend the scope of human fantasy and imagination. The individual can have, for example, an illuminating insight into what it feels like when a snake is hungry, when a turtle is sexually excited, when a hummingbird is feeding its young, or when a shark breathes through its gills. Subjects have reported the drive the sustains a salmon on its journey against the river's flow, the sensations of a spider weaving it's web, or the mysterious Cultivate Life! of a caterpillar becoming a butterfly. Subjects commonly have a detailed knowledgeof the animals with whom they have identified - of their physical characteristics, habits and behavior patterns - that far exceeds their education in the natural sciences. Subjects have accurately described courtship dances, complicated reproductive cycles, techniques of nest-building, patterns of aggression and defense, and many other such zoological facts."

With respect to plant experiences, Grof says:

"The instances of experiencing plant forms are less frequent than those involving animal life. The individual has the unique feeling of participating in the basic physiological processes of plants: as a germinating seed, a leaf in the course of photosynthesis or a root reaching out for nourishment. A subject might become a plankton in the ocean and experience pollination or cellular divisions during vegetable growth."

And these experiences of existence in forms simpler than the human are not confined to biological life:

"They can include inorganic nature. Subjects have repeatedly reported that they experienced consciousness of the ocean or of particular minerals such as diamond, granite or gold. Similar experiences can reach even the microworld and depict the dynamic structure of atoms, the nature of electrodynamic forces involved, the world of interatomic bonds or the Brownian dance of molecules. LSD subjects often consider the possibility that consciousness is a basic cosmic phenomenon - that it exists throughout the universe - and that human consciousness appears to be only one of its many varieties."

Of course, the lower you go in the chain of matter, the greater the number of 'forms' which exist. How can so many become so few? Myers has an answer:

"Place plants, insects, fish, reptiles, birds and beasts into their several classes. These resemble the grades in a school. The souls of plants, after dying, gather together in their myriads and form larger psychic units. These innumerable little units go one step up, then as one psychic entity enter the body of an insect after conception. Myriads of insect lives again make one being which, in due course, enters the body of a fish or bird. And so the process continues. Finally the embryonic souls of animals so evolve that many, making one psychic entity, eventually become one human soul."

In other words, every material form and variety of life in the universe is at a different stage in the very long process of psychic evolution. More than 'men' are brothers!
The Planes of Existence
After death a person enters a second, intermediate plane of existence. This is familiar from descriptions of near-death survivors who pass through a tunnel towards the light that is the third plane. As they go, memories of their entire past lives flash before them. If this contains sinister episodes and terrifying experiences, these will drift by the person's vision along with the more joyful happenings. Some persons begin at this stage to feel what is called "the earth pull, the birth pull" and the person may decide immediately to return to the earth plane. For others, they may not reach the light and remain in unconsciousness. But for most, stage two is brief and is followed by entry into a more stable world called "the plane of illusion." According to Myers, after death, most of us can expect to enter this realm. Although extraordinary, this world will not seem strange, for our dreams and our earth life will have prepared us for it. Dreams, although manufactured mysteriously by our minds, seem very real. The world of the third plane is similar, except that the 'dreams' are completely objectified. The third plane, according to Myers, consists of a subtle form of matter which is responsive to the individual's emotion and thought. And because human beings come there after years of mental and emotional immersion in earth life, the worlds their minds create are based entirely on earthly memories and desires.

The worlds of the third plane are created by thought, and so are at the same time subjective and objective. The process may be either conscious or unconscious, depending on the state of awareness of the being. In either case, what is created is based on one's deepest desires - for pleasure, for beauty, for the familiar, and the fulfillment of one's beliefs. According to Myers, people who are close to one another, and who have similar tastes and inclinations, come together in little communities where their entire world is mutually constructed. Those of a more solitary temperament may build their own worlds. Often the real nature of these thought creations is completely unknown to their creators, who simply find themselves in a world where every desire is gratified. This world, then, is a depiction of the 'heaven' or 'paradise' of the ancient theologies.

Sometimes living persons have had a preview of this plane in out-of-the-body experiences, maybe during sleep or at times of extreme threat to the body's survival. Because this 'heaven' is based on earth desires, it is a far cry from the pallid and etherealized afterlife depicted in conventional religious prints. For example, a recently-dead alcoholic may find himself surrounded by liquor in a favourite drinking environment, surrounded by congenial companions who may be other dead alcoholics or simply self-created thought-forms. Because such a person desires prolonged drunkeness, this is exactly what he will experience.

Thus the third plane is a paradise for voluptuaries. Those with intense sexual interests may have their desires gratified, surrounded by orgiasts similarly committed to the pleasures of sexual adventure. Ascetics are generously supplied, by their own minds, with bread and water. The newly-dead are utterly enchanted by this paradise. And because on this plane what is created depends entirely upon earthly tatstes, wedded to the scope and power of the creator's imagination, an almost infinite variety of different worlds can be effortlessly formed and dwelt within. This if course explains the tremendous variety of after-death descriptions received through mediums and near-death experiences related by survivors.

But there is a strange kind of limitation to this world. The effortless satisfaction of any desire can enchant for a time, but eventually it begins to bore. A sense of dissatisfaction arises, a desire for some kind of effort or challenge in contrast to this world lacking in adventure beyond trivial games, because one is not fulfilling one's higher goals. And this, in fact, seems to be the major evolutionary purpose of the third plane - to partially exhaust the possibilities of creation and desire at the level of earthly matter. At this point - which may be arrived at very quickly or after a great deal of 'time' - the individual may choose to ascend to the fourth plane, if it has become real for him due to his further development and insight, attained through experience of earthly life, bodily death and life on the third plane. Before leaving, however, the more enterprising souls may choose to experience one of the great wonders of this plane of consciousness - to view desired sections of The Akashic Record. Just as on earth one may go to a library and see newsreels of important earth events of history, so on the third plane, one may witness any event that occurred from the beginning of existence. Everything that has ever happened has been recorded by the cosmic memory. Of course, great lessons are there to be learnt.

The alternative is to choose to reincarnate again on earth because of needs that can only be fulfilled there. To help him clarify this decision, the individual undergoes a kind of karmic 'review' - similar to and yet in a way crucially different from - the 'life review' he experienced immediately following death. The individual relives the incidents of his previous life once again but this time re-experiences the emotions he felt at the time; and simulataneously he experiences the emotions of the other persons who were involved. In other words, the torturer becomes, simultaneously, both torturer and victim. It would be difficult to imagine a more instructive and chastening experience than this. He is assisted in this by a spiritual guide, who being from a higher plane, is able to perceive the subject's experiences and repressed feelings, and project them back to him. Myers writes:

"The individual is a spectator and perceives the episodes in the past existence. He becomes aware of all the emotions roused in his victims by his acts. No pain, no anguish he has caused has perished. All has been registered. His soul becomes gradually purified through his identification with those who suffered as a result of his acts or inactions."

This experience appears to result in enlightened decisions about the nature of the next life the individual will live, with new purposes based on the lessons he has leaned from all his experiences. This, then, is taken into the next incarnation.
The Higher Planes
Myers calls the fourth plane, "the world of idealized form," and when one attains this level, all desire for an earth existence is gone. Here one dwells in a realm from which no traveller returns to earth. Consciousness and existence are more intense than anything we know. This is a world of magnificent, unimagineable beauty in which the mind learns the ultimate mastery of form. Using substances, light and color unknown on earth, the mind, now god-like in its powers, learns to create an infinite variety of forms having beauty of an ultimate, unsurpassable quality. One leaves behind all rigid intellectual structures and dogmas, be they scientific, religious, or philosophical. Spiritual beings find a much wider freedom to function with more highly energized intellect and creativity, presenting challenges that are not competitive but far more fulfilling.

Since Myers had not progressed beyond the fourth plane at the time of his communication, his accounts of the higher levels of consciousness beyond this are less detailed and more speculative. He seems to have picked up enough hearsay, however, to outline with some confidence the general nature of the further advance.

If on the fourth plane the soul becomes free from the earth pull, the soul is qualified to experience cosmic ranges beyond earth's confines. One of these ranges is the next plane, the "plane of flame," in which the being explores the physical universe beyond the earth, and thus completes its knowledge of matter. In the fifth plane, one acquires a body of flame, enabling him to tour the stellar universe without being harmed by its temperatures and turbulence and to return with a fuller experience of these cosmic reaches.

The sixth plane is the "plane of light". Individuals on this plane are matured spirits, having lived through, with conscious understanding, all the aspects of the created universe and wrought every variety of mentally-created form. They are capable of passing beyond matter and form, of existing as white light, as pure thought.

But one step now remains - the final passage to the ultimate plane of being, the achievement of the last goal on an infinitely long path of personal evolution. It is important to remember at this point that Myers was not a religious man. His lifelong commitment was to experience, and to the teachings of experience. What he reports from beyond the grave he has either experienced himself or been told of by those more highly evolved than he. Myers called this last goal the seventh plane, and he said that when one enters it, he becomes a part of God. He writes:

"The final stage of evolution baffles description. It is heart-breaking even to attempt to write of it. You dwell not only outside of time but outside of any universe, on this last plane of being. It might be described as the passage from form into formlessness, an existence which has no need to express itself in a shape, however tenuous, however fine. The soul who enters that seventh state passes into the Beyond and becomes one with God."

It is clear that Mankind still has a long way to go to achieve the required enlightenment for the game on earth to move on to a higher level. Indeed, in some ways, we in Western cultures have gone backwards. But for the individual there is a unique personal choice: to remain a human being or to undertake spiritual development and attempt to achieve - in this lifetime - a transcendence of the human state. The tools of The Insight Project are intended to accelerate the process of development, so instead of many lifetimes of roller-coaster struggle, you can learn the lessons necessary to evolve to higher planes, even to the Godhead, within this life

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Heart This Week on the Alt Right TV Show Special Guess Dr. David Duke
Posted by: Cracker Jack - 06-11-2018, 08:30 AM - Forum: Conspiracy Forums - Replies (1)

Alt-Rights special guess Dr. David Duke as he discuss Europe ethnic invasion, Jewish Supremacy and the changing of America.

204 minutes long so grab some snacks.

Link to Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yNwJ7GR0EeA

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  New Studies Show Global Warming From CO2 a Hoax
Posted by: Natural Variability - 06-07-2018, 11:53 AM - Forum: Conspiracy Forums - Replies (2)

It has long been established in the scientific literature (and affirmed by the IPCC) that CO2 concentration changes followed Antarctic temperature changes by about 600 to 1000 years during glacial-interglacial transitions throughout the last ~800,000 years (Fischer et al., 1999; Monnin et al., 2001; Caillon et al., 2003; Stott et al., 2007; Kawamura et al., 2007).
In contrast, two new papers cite evidence that the timing of the lagged CO2 response to temperature changes may have ranged between 1300 and 6500 years in some cases. It would appear that a millennial-scale lagged response to temperature undermines the claim that CO2 concentration changes were a driver of climate in the ancient past.

Studies Indicating The Temperature-CO2 Lag Was 600 To 1000 Years
IPCC (2007)

“Atmospheric CO2 follows temperature changes in Antarctica with a lag of some hundreds of years.”
Stott et al., 2007
Southern Hemisphere and Deep-Sea Warming Led Deglacial Atmospheric CO2 Rise and Tropical Warming

“Deep sea temperatures warmed by ~2C between 19 and 17 ka B.P. (thousand years before present), leading the rise in atmospheric CO2 and tropical surface ocean warming by ~1000 years.”
Caillon et al., 2003

“The sequence of events during Termination III suggests that the CO2 increase lagged Antarctic deglacial warming by 800 ± 200 years and preceded the Northern Hemisphere deglaciation.”

And many more at the link:


The fact that it is well known in the scientific community that CO2 follows, not leads temperature, it must be assumed the propaganda about global warming caused by humans is a hoax propagated from ulterior motives. Those motives include profit by renewable energy companies owned by left wing billionaires, social control by controlling energy, and especially mammoth increases in taxation going to globalist government.

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  We Just Had Two Years Of Record-Breaking Global Cooling Worldwide
Posted by: Natural Variability - 06-01-2018, 06:05 PM - Forum: Conspiracy Forums - Replies (1)

Inconvenient Science: NASA data show that global temperatures dropped sharply over the past two years. Not that you'd know it, since that wasn't deemed news. Does that make NASA a global warming denier?

Writing in Real Clear Markets, Aaron Brown looked at the official NASA global temperature data and noticed something surprising. From February 2016 to February 2018, "global average temperatures dropped by 0.56 degrees Celsius." That, he notes, is the biggest two-year drop in the past century.

Have you heard this on CNN? BBC? No news service picked up this article because the game is rigged, the mass media is fake news.



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  The passing of a friend
Posted by: v3_exceed - 08-15-2017, 09:19 AM - Forum: Conspiracy Forums - No Replies

On August 8, 2017 My long time friend and confident Greg Penney passed away. Greg was only 58 years old and to anyone that knew him, he was an incredible person. Greg was always full of advice, knowledgeable and kind, at least to me.

I'm putting this here because his passing has left a hole where a friend once stood. This is a reminder for each of us to take today as though it is our last. To live, take a chance, take that trip or love that person. Tomorrow it might be too late, and you can never get it back.

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